I'm very happy to announce that the ebook and print editions of Learning SPARQL are now available from O'Reilly. Print editions are also available from amazon.com, amazon.co.uk, maybe some more Amazons, and Barnes and Noble. (Borders says that it's on backorder, but I wouldn't hold your breath for that.) You can read more about how I came to write the book in an earlier blog posting.
Right now it's the only complete book on the W3C standard query language for linked data and the semantic web, and as far as I know the only book at all that covers the full range of SPARQL 1.1 features such as the ability to update data. The book steps you through simple examples that can all be performed with free software, and all sample queries, data, and output are available on the book's website. In the words of Priscilla Walmsley, "It's excellent—very well organized and written, a completely painless read. I not only feel like I understand SPARQL now, but I have a much better idea why RDF is useful (I was a little skeptical before!)"
I will continue to post news about the book and about SPARQL on the book's twitter account at @LearningSPARQL. I'm not starting a separate blog for the book, so I will continue to blog about SPARQL here.