« May 2007 | Main | July 2007 »

June 22, 2007

Women in computing: what about the cultural variable?

Why do I see more women programmers among Eastern Europeans?

Continue reading "Women in computing: what about the cultural variable?" »

June 21, 2007

Time running out for Semantic Web Strategies talk proposals

Nine days left!

Continue reading "Time running out for Semantic Web Strategies talk proposals" »

June 18, 2007

Emacs: good (and how to create a foreign characters menu)

Foreign to me, at least.

Continue reading "Emacs: good (and how to create a foreign characters menu)" »

June 13, 2007

developerWorks article on XHTML 2

Why I like XHTML 2.

Continue reading "developerWorks article on XHTML 2" »

June 11, 2007

Semantic Web Strategies speaker submission form back up

Ready for your ideas.

Continue reading "Semantic Web Strategies speaker submission form back up" »

June 10, 2007

More on Word's mediocre XML

It's not just the index tag markup, but most of the "Insert Field" parts.

Continue reading "More on Word's mediocre XML" »

June 3, 2007

Tutorial half-day added to Semantic Web Strategies conference

A chance to learn about the semantic web from the ground up.

Continue reading "Tutorial half-day added to Semantic Web Strategies conference" »